Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on
your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will
make your paths straight."
Are you ready to shift gears in your life? If so, it's okay! Have you been grinding in your career for a few years and it's still not going anywhere? Maybe it's time to shift gears and allow God to take over the steering wheel.
Prior to coming to California, I had a career that I didn't like. Yeah, I was making money but the job sucked. I had a 5 bedroom house, a beautiful car, and a closet full of clothes. Some people would say I had it going on, but I didn't. I knew something wasn't right in my life. I was just going through the motions biding my time. It was time to shift gears in my life!! When I moved to Cali, so many people asked how long I was going to stay. My answer “I was going to stay as long as God kept giving me the go ahead". I've been here three and half years and each year there has been a steady growth. When I first came out here, I had no job. My girls and I were staying in a hotel room. Today I have a place and I manage both of my daughters’ careers. Because of how passionate I am about managing my girls, I've had people ask me to manage them. Both my daughters are excelling academically and career wise. I am also currently writing my first screenplay as well as being an inspirational blogger. Right now I don't have any of the material things I once possessed; but I do have a peace and I enjoy what I am doing. There's not a day that goes by where I am not grateful to be alive and following my dreams in HOLLYWOOD.
If you are constantly waking up miserable or you're just going through the years biding your time until they put you 6ft under. If you're at a career that's going know where. In a marriage or relationship that's not growing, it might be time to shift gears. So many people look at shifting gears as giving up. They are not the same! Its okay to say my way is not working let me see what God wants me to do with my life. When we turn over our lives to God and start fulfilling our "personal legions" we are shifting gears.
A few months ago, I had the pleasure to hear this casting director speak. He came to Hollywood to pursue an acting career. After almost two years of not booking any acting gigs he started assisting casting directors to supplement his income. He found he had a knack for casting and loved it; he started picking up more and more casting work and went on less auditions. He was one day blessed to be the casting director of the hit show “Cheers”. Had he not shifted gears he would have lost out on a rewarding career as a casting director.
Another thing you should know is that you are never too old to shift gears. I remember reading about this lady in her 40's. She had been an administrative assistant most of her working years for a director that was not so nice. She always had a knack for picking beautiful gifts and it had always been her desire to have her own gift boutique. Everytime she thought about giving up her job she would get scared. One day at work a huge rat ran across her feet; she gave her two week notice that day. At the time when I read this article, this lady had a million dollar business. She had shifted gears and was blessed for it.
There's someone out their coming up with excuse after excuse of why they can't shift gears. I don't know about you but I like waking up each morning loving who I am and the life I live. If you’re not excited about waking up maybe it’s time you shifted gears!!!
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