Yesterday I went hiking, most days I love to hike and some days it’s torture. From the moment I left home I huffed and puffed and tried coming up with every excuse of why I should not hike. I really had to push through. Some days are like that. I have to dig deep down and find the momentum to finish that darn hike! Sometimes I can hike that mountain in a breeze and some days like yesterday I have to really push through to keep myself from giving up and going back home. I can report to you that I made it to the top of that mountain.
Hiking reminds me of my journey in Hollywood. The storms and excuses come but I push through them. While pushing through I have learned to enjoy the process. During my hike I took a minute to rest and enjoy the view surrounding me. Once on top of that baby I really sat back and enjoyed the amazing view :)
Are you enjoying your journey or are you sitting around being miserable?
The road to fulfilling our dreams, purpose, personal legends, visions or omens whatever you want to call it. The journey in fulfilling your dream is sometimes hard. Whatever you do don't give up. I think it would be harder to live with should of, could of and would of or the two words I hate the most I CAN'T. Following your dreams is a lot easier then living with regrets. I look at it this way I have nothing to lose so I might as well follow my dreams.
Now that I've said all of this I have to go I have a screenplay to finish writing. What's the worst that can happen? I complete it even get the money to film it myself. There's a chance that know one would want to see it; at least I would be able to say I did it and that's far more better than living with should of, could of, would of and I CAN'T.
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