Titus 1:10 -13 (I suggest you read the whole book to really understand what Paul was writing to Titus) For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group. 11They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain. 12Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons."
Mohandas Gandhi “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. “
Last week God lead me to read Titus. The same thing Paul wrote Titus about still exist today; greedy Pastors, priest that are molesting our young boys, bishops beating their wives and whores who stand amongst us acting like they do no wrong. All this is going on in the churches.
Each religion proclaiming to know the truth. How do you create chaos, hate, jealousy, evil, and confusion? You do this by separation. By having so many different religions I would say it has caused strife amongst God’s people. Because of this separation you have God’s children at each others throat. If everyone is walking around judging and casting stones but not looking at their own individual walk; how can we possibly spread LOVE?
Wake up children of God. I’m at church and I’m being fed from the teaching, the sermon is awesome. The Pastor is talking about walking in faith and not being lead by fear. Can I get an Amen! Then all of sudden the teaching abruptly stops. The pastor stopped dead in the middle of his teaching and said he would have to finish next week because his video tapping for TV had ran out of a time. It looks to me so many churches are concerned about numbers and tv ratings then spreading God’s word.
I find a lump in my breast. I inbox my pastor to see if I can set-up an appointment for prayer. He never replies back to me. I see him on facebook all the time so why can’t he schedule prayer time with me. Maybe it’s because he’s to busy socializing with his celebrity members to care about little ole me. On the flipside you have members attending a prestigious church because it looks good on their resume or you have someone attending because they know that top executive or celebrities attend this church. They attending thinking that if I get in good, I might just get hooked up. If you’re doing God’s will He will hook you up.
This is just a tidbit of the nonsense I have encountered when attending someone's church. The next time you wonder why someone is not attending church; take a look in the mirror and ask yourself am I just quoting the scriptures or am I actually living the scriptures.
Wake up aren't you tired of seeing the crap that goes on amongst us. Read the book of Titus and let's get it together.
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